
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Creative Builders

i am a poet 
i am a builder 
build the verses 
by using the words 

i am a writer 
i am a builder 
build the novel 
by using the characters 

i am a photographer 
i am a builder 
build the photo 
by using the camera 

i am a painter 
i am a builder 
build the painting 
by using the colours 

i am a teacher 
i am a builder 
building the society 
by sharing the knowledge 

- Ali Asgar Devjani

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

it's the morning Time

it's morning time
the time to come out for The sun
for humans to leave the fun

it's morning time
time when no body shouts
except human made alarm
and god's alarm The cuckoo Bird

it's the morning time
women goes to kitchen
kids leaves home for schools
And the photographers
goes for the shoot
with his camera 
All the activity of morning time

it's the morning time
some people come out for a walk
and delivery men running
to deliver
milk,news paper and the grocery
to deliver all this, they were in a hurry.

it's a morning time
peoples cleaning there teeth 
with the brush,
cleaning staff cleans the road
before the rush

it's the morning time
people do yoga 
photographers clicks 
and the writers write!!

-Ali Asgar Devjani